Comments on: New Year’s Investing Resolutions: Check your credit report – for free A Guide to Safe Investing and Fraud Prevention from the Nova Scotia Securities Commission Sat, 30 Apr 2011 23:20:20 -0300 hourly 1 By: Rhia Rhia Wed, 05 Jan 2011 18:37:04 +0000 The thing I find really interesting is that they require proof of identification that includes mainly utility bills, and they don't accept print-outs from the web. In a day when most of us receive bills electronically, I wonder how they are going to adapt! Nice take on the topic - I hope to tackle it when we get started! The thing I find really interesting is that they require proof of identification that includes mainly utility bills, and they don’t accept print-outs from the web. In a day when most of us receive bills electronically, I wonder how they are going to adapt!

Nice take on the topic – I hope to tackle it when we get started!
